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Feeding a lot of koi doesn't necessarily make them strong.

文章出处:奥利仕(广州)康体设备有限公司   人气:(点击 3,807 次)    服务热线:(020)82686289


I hear a lot of fish friends say, "After feeding so many good things to their Koi, why can't they grow strong?" A lot of fish lovers ask: "Why can't my koi grow big or fat?" Fishers in the hot areas of the south have the experience that koi grows best in May and June, but in the hot months of July and August, the fish grows slower, why is that?

"Slow water for fish, fish will be fat; fast water for fish, fish will be strong." Think about it, every day to feed the koi to eat, especially in the case of the increase in the amount of food in the fall, if the water flow is slow, the koi eat the end of the motionless, the lack of movement, naturally long fat. And if you properly adjust the speed of the water flow, the koi will also swim hard and fast, the body gets exercise, naturally develop good muscles, become strong.

        The size of the water flow (flow rate) is also related to the critical dissolved oxygen value for normal life of koi and the cleanliness of the water to eliminate dirt. Therefore, the design of the inlet and outlet of the pond and the scheduling of the inlet and outlet are very important, so that the inlet and outlet are balanced as much as possible. Every day, through the observation of the fish feeding situation, you can roughly grasp the water oxygen content is sufficient, whether the flow is appropriate. Oxygen content of high fish feeding exuberant, feeding volume is also stable, otherwise it shows that the oxygen content is insufficient, such as floating head, more that the dissolved oxygen has fallen to the critical value, should be taken immediately to increase the flow rate of measures. If possible, the flow rate can be adjusted by determining the value of dissolved oxygen in the drain and fish pond.

The flow rate of the pool (can also be said to be the amount of circulation) is expressed in terms of the number of water exchanges per hour, generally according to the amount of dissolved oxygen content in the water and the amount of organic nitrogen to regulate the flow rate. Dissolved oxygen in the water is high, the amount of ammonia and nitrogen is low, the flow rate can be a little smaller, and vice versa should increase the flow rate. The consumption of oxygen in the water is related to the density and specification of the fish pond. Theoretically, you can also be based on a certain stage of the fish pool volume and capacity, the species raised at the time of the water temperature, specifications of the oxygen consumption rate to calculate the oxygen consumption per unit of time, and then calculate the size of the required flow. The specific formulas are listed below for reference only:

Oxygen consumption per hour (grams) = total koi weight x oxygen consumption rate per hour
Water flow required per hour (tons) = Oxygen consumption per hour / (Oxygen content per ton of incoming water - Minimum oxygen content per ton of water)
Appropriate flow rate for the fishpond (number of water exchanges per hour) = flow rate required per hour/total volume of the fishpond
         Note: Too much flow rate will consume too much physical strength of the koi, too little koi will easily die from lack of oxygen, so do not blindly increase or decrease, suitable for the good. I hope you will pay attention to the flow rate and find the right flow rate for your koi.
        In addition, temperature is also an important factor affecting the growth of koi and the water quality of the pond. When the temperature is high, the physiological activities of the fish are enhanced, but the metabolic level drops, especially the level of anabolic metabolism drops sharply, and very little protein is synthesized. Due to the low metabolic level and the stress reaction, it makes the intake drop or even not eat, these abnormal phenomena are physiological abnormalities. Fish ingest less, digest fast, digest rate is low, absorb less nutrients, physiological activity is strong, consume more nutrients, synthesize less muscle, the performance is to eat less, poor growth, or even no growth. This is the reason why koi grow best in May and June, but grow slowly in the hot months of July and August.
       In outdoor conditions, koi ponds using high-quality feed normal feeding and normal intake of fish, the digestibility of the feed is only about 80%, feeding feed only 25-30% of the protein for the growth of the fish. Taking into account the effects of various factors, it is generally true that 20% of the main nutrients in the feed ingested by the fish are digested and excreted as part of the feces, 30% of the protein is used for growth, and 50% of the protein, essentially all of the absorbed carbohydrates, and most or part of the fat is used for life support and activity.

        Here is another tricky problem, feed more koi pull more, plus the accumulation of residual bait, the water body dissolved oxygen is reduced, the possibility of water quality deterioration increased dramatically, water quality problems will return to the health of the koi itself, so feeding is also a technical job, according to the different temperature and koi ecological characteristics of the appropriate adjustment.


Going back to the topic just mentioned, if feeding or fish intake is cut in half, is the weight gain of the fish likewise cut in half? No. Rather, it is basically just enough to sustain the consumption for life and activity, and no weight gain or only slight weight gain, or perhaps even weight loss, is possible. Koi are cold-blooded animals and as the temperature drops, the feeding rate should be adjusted accordingly. If too much is fed, it is likely that the koi will suffer from protruding eyes or indigestion and develop enteritis.

So how exactly do you feed it?

--Feeding must be regular and quantitative, with fewer meals and more meals, in order to reduce the production of carbon dioxide and harmful substances. Choosing high-quality bait, perfecting the fish pond filtration system and timely treatment of food residues and feces at the bottom of the pond can directly reduce ammonia, nitrite and other harmful substances, which in turn reduces the consumption of dissolved oxygen and enhances biochemical filtration.

        From early spring to the rainy season, when the temperature changes a lot after fall, of course, you should control the amount of feeding, and make sure not to feed when the temperature (water temperature) is predicted to drop due to rain or sunset. For example, if the weather forecast is that it will start raining in the evening, you should finish feeding by noon at the latest. Do not feed when the temperature is rising, but do not feed when the temperature rises and then falls, or when the temperature keeps falling. If you feed when the temperature (water temperature) is rising, the amount of food consumed will be low, and when the water temperature is high, it will promote digestion and will not be a burden to the carp. However, if the water temperature changes too much, the carp will be stressed and digestion will be hindered.
        For more information about koi keeping and koi pond filtration system, please call us at 020-82686289.
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