Effect of water temperature on feeding and growth of koi carp
文章出处:奥利仕(广州)康体设备有限公司 人气:(点击 3,356 次) 服务热线:(020)82686289
According to meteorological standards, the average daily temperature for five consecutive days below 22 ℃, is considered to be in the fall, and Guangzhou generally to the second half of October will have a body temperature cooler meaning, is really in the fall.
Autumn is the golden season of koi growth and development, under the condition of suitable water temperature, grasp the nutrient intake enough, to make the koi eat and eat well, fattening is conducive to koi winter resistance to low temperature.
As we all know, koi is a thermotropic animal, its body temperature changes with the change of water temperature, and the difference with the water temperature is only 0.5~1℃, so its physiological activities and physiological processes are governed by the water temperature.

Koi have a survival temperature of about 0 to 40°C and it also has a suitable temperature of about 14 to 32°C.Fish are able to survive and grow appropriately in this range, but this does not mean that the physiological activities of the fish do not change and remain all at one level within this temperature range.
It is precisely the strength of physiological activity and the speed of physiological processes in fish that varies with temperature, and the changes are very significant and wide-ranging. Involved in feeding and growth are mainly the number, vigor and metabolic level of digestive enzymes.Fish have an optimum temperature.
Generally, the optimal temperature for koi is 25-28°C. In this optimal temperature range, the digestive enzymes in the fish are very active. In this optimal temperature range the digestive enzymes in the body of the fish are numerous and active, so the koi's intake is vigorous.
During this period, the koi's digestion is strong and high, and its metabolic level is high, so it grows vigorously and is part of the so-calledprosperous for a long timeThe

Outside the optimal temperature range, as the temperature drops, the number of digestive enzymes in the fish body decreases and their activity is rapidly weakened, so the digestive power of the fish decreases rapidly, the digestion of food slows down significantly, and the time for the food to pass through the intestine increases significantly, as a result of which, the amount of food intake drops sharply, and the digested and absorbed food intake is also less. At the same time, the metabolic level of the fish decreases.
It is reported that a 10°C drop in temperature decreases the basal metabolic level of fish by half and the overall metabolic level by 2/3 to 3/4.

It can be seen that the temperature has been lowered, although the energy consumption of fish to maintain life and activities is less, but the intake of fish is less, digestion is also bad, the metabolism level is low, the synthesis of body protein and body fat is less, the overall performance is that the fish ate less, the growth is poor.
During the overwintering period, the fish not only don't grow, they lose weight.
So what happens in the heat?
Beyond the optimal temperature range, the higher the temperature the higher the digestive enzymes in the fish body to enhance the vitality of the digestive enzymes, but the number of digestive enzymes to decline, the digestive force is weakened, and the speed of digestion, the rapid passage of food through the intestinal tract, digestion and absorption are incomplete, the digestive rate is significantly reduced, which is the digestive abnormality.
At the same time, while the physiological activity of fish is enhanced at high temperatures, the level of metabolism decreases, especially the level of anabolism decreases drastically, and very little protein is synthesized.
These abnormalities are physiological abnormalities due to low metabolic levels and stress reactions that make intake decrease or even not eat.
Fish ingest less, digest quickly, digestive rate is low, less nutrients absorbed, physiological activities, consume more nutrients, synthesize less muscle, which is manifested in eating less, poor growth, or even no growth.
Fishers in the hot southern regions have experienced that koi grow best in May and June, and in the hot months of July and August, the fish grow slower for this reason.
High temperatures also affect other water quality factors, and it could even be argued that temperature affects almost all water quality factors.
Let's take dissolved oxygen as a factor to illustrate that fish that breathe through gills cannot utilize oxygen in the air, only dissolved oxygen in the water.
Under normal circumstances, the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water is very low (water temperature 25-30 ℃, the saturation amount of dissolved oxygen in the water is 8.11-7.53 mg / L), and the higher the water temperature the lower the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water; however, the higher the water temperature, the more vigorous the physiological activities of the fish, the more oxygen they need, and the higher the rate of oxygen consumption.
On the other hand, due to the high water temperature, the decomposition of organic matter in the water and underwater is fast, and the decomposition of organic matter oxygen consumption is the main consumer of dissolved oxygen in pond water, generally accounting for more than 40%.
Sometimes high temperatures and droughts tend to occur at the same time, and droughts make ponds smaller as the water level drops and the fish grow larger, with high fish densities.
Due to the above reasons, so that the pond in the high temperature period often appear hypoxia, low dissolved oxygen in the water, the fish are easy to float head. Low dissolved oxygen, fish feeding less, insufficient oxygen supply, metabolic level decreased, bait coefficient also increased.

It was reported that the bait coefficient was one times higher when the dissolved oxygen in the water was less than 1.6 mg/L than when the dissolved oxygen in the water was 2 mg/L.
So in the heat and lack of oxygen, even though the fish eat a lot but grow slowly.
Also, a reminder "subsidize(of a stock animal) well-fed in autumn"Pay attention to the amount of feeding when you do.
The water temperature is at18-28Between degrees: daily feeding4-6times, of which it is recommended to feed live dry bait twice at noon, feeding principles"Small, frequent meals, each time7eat to satiety".
The water temperature is at12-18Between degrees: daily feeding1-2times to7-8It is advisable to feed the koi to their full capacity, and also observe how active the koi are, if they are not very active, then only feed them once a day, to6,7Becoming full is appropriate.
Autumn is the last of the two peak season of fish disease in a year, this disease is not as serious as the one in spring, but it is very likely that the koi will carry germs through the winter and break out after warming up in next spring, at the same time, if there is no fattening, then when it warms up in next spring, the koi will be in a relatively weak state because of the large amount of energy consumed during the winter, and it is very likely that the fish disease breaks out at this time, and the fish disease breaks out at this time. Once the fish disease breaks out, it is very likely that the fish disease will be "hopeless and die quickly".
More koi keeping skills consulting: Ollies koi pond filtration: 18902295917 (WeChat synchronization)