Autumn, how to give koi "autumn fat" in order to get twice the result with half the effort
文章出处:奥利仕(广州)康体设备有限公司 人气:(点击 3,216 次) 服务热线:(020)82686289
For koi enthusiasts, fall is the most vigorous period of the year for koi growth, so how can you get twice the results with half the effort with "autumn fattening"?
First.Fall is a time of high incidence of koi fish diseases.It's not as bad as the one in the spring, but there's a good chance that the koi will carry the disease through the winter and break out when it warms up next spring.
Secondly.Good water quality is a basic prerequisite for good fishkeepingThis is especially true of koi fattening.
Some fishers have been keeping small and thin koi for several years. Why?
There are two possibilities.
Intestinal infections parasites are the most common, the other is our cliché water quality problems, no perfect fish pond filtration system, can not create a healthy, comfortable water ecological environment for the fish.
Turbid water and excessive ammonia nitrogen lead to high nitrates, which inhibit koi growth and even cause koi death!
So, the water is not clear, which is the fundamental reason why a koi pond filtration system is necessary, besides the fact that it affects the ornamental qualities.

Getting back to the point, to fatten up your koi, increased feeding is a must!
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To put it simply, your fish pond filtration system is overloaded.
The filtration system is divided into two parts: physical filtration and biochemical filtration.
You cannot have one without the other.
physical filtrationThis is accomplished primarily by brushes and filter pads, which perform the necessary initial coarse filtration to intercept most fish feces and food debris.
Biochemical filtrationCompleted by a variety of different shapes and materials of environmental protection filter media, such as ceramic ring, bacterial house, cultivation ring and biochemical ball, etc., their role is to provide a high-quality environment for nitrifying bacteria to bed and multiply to decompose ammonia nitrogen.
The probability that the water quality of the fish pond is good or not depends on thefiltration systemThe face.
Therefore, the truth is that the bigger the fish pond filtration system, the better! If it is fully automated and does not need to be cleaned manually, it is "perfect"!

Key point: perfect your pond filtration system before increasing feeding, strong physical filtration along with biochemical filtration!
Next, choose high-protein, easily digestiblefish baitThe water is a very good source of water, so you should feed it in small quantities, adjusting the amount according to the different water temperatures. Here againtop priorityThe right water temperature will make your koi's "fall fattening" program "twice as effective".
Koi are cold-blooded and very sensitive to fluctuations in water temperature. When the water temperature changes drastically, it will stimulate its peripheral nerves and cause its body functions to become dysfunctional.
Koi have an optimum temperature:22~28℃In this suitable temperature range, the number of digestive enzymes in their bodies reaches its highest point and the activity of digestive enzymes is the strongest. Therefore, this is the time when koi have the most vigorous feeding, strong digestion, high digestibility, and theirMetabolic levels are also higher, and stamina and fitness are at their highest levelsThe
It can be seen that at low temperatures, although koi consume less energy to maintain life and activity, they also consume less, have weak digestion, low metabolic levels, synthesize less body protein and body fat, and the overall performance is: fish eat less, have weak activity, low disease resistance, and are not conducive to growth.
On the contrary, at high temperatures, beyond the optimum temperature range, the higher the temperature, the vitality of digestive enzymes in the koi's body does increase, however, the number of digestive enzymes decreases, the digestive power is weakened and the digestive rate decreases significantly due to a significantly faster rate of digestion, incomplete digestion and absorption. This is digestive abnormality.

At the same time, high temperatures increase the physiological activity of the fish, while the metabolic level decreases, especially the level of anabolism decreases sharply, and very little protein is synthesized.
Due to the low level of metabolism and the excessively high temperature, high-temperature stress reaction will be produced, which will be manifested as less food intake, fast digestion, low digestibility, less absorbed nutrients, strong physiological activities, more nutrients consumed, less muscle synthesized, and the body quality will be declined rapidly.
In conclusion: A strong pond filtration system, suitable water temperature, low-density feeding with small amount of feeding, giving enough space for the koi to gain weight, everything is ready, just waiting for it to put on the autumn fat. After all, this is related to its future status in your home!