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Introduction to Dissolved Oxygen in Koi Ponds

Article source: Ollies (Guangzhou) Recreation and Sports Equipment Co., Ltd Popularity: (Clicked 2,192 times) Service Hotline: (020)82686289

Fish enthusiasts know that lack of oxygen can threaten the life of their Koi, but may not realize that subtle differences in dissolved oxygen (DO) can also seriously alter the growth of Koi. Also the threat to the self-cleaning and filtering effect of the water environment for koi can greatly affect the water environment in which koi thrive.


Effects of dissolved oxygen concentration in water bodies on the growth of koi carp (Cyprinus carpio)

In general, the dissolved oxygen concentration of a water body (DO) is very low (per liter of water8.11~7.53(milligrams). And, the higher the water temperature, the lower the dissolved oxygen is less. Dissolved oxygen level is an important factor affecting koi food intake, digestion and absorption rate, and growth rate.


Dissolved oxygen in water up to5milligram/The increase in appetite of koi is extremely obvious when the dissolved oxygen level rises.7milligram/The growth rate of koi in liters was higher than in dissolved oxygen4milligram/nearly one-third faster in rising water, and the bait factor will in turn be one-third to one-half lower. When the dissolved oxygen level reaches6milligram/The bait coefficient reaches excellent when it is above one liter. When the dissolved oxygen in the water body is insufficient, the koi's activity ability will be weakened, the body quality will be reduced, the resistance to disease will be rapidly reduced, and the disease will increase.


Effects of dissolved oxygen concentration on the growing environment (water body) of koi carp
The method of cleaning water by making microorganisms eat the pollutants (mainly organic matter) in the water is called"biofiltration"Oxygen has a great deal to do with biological filtration. If the oxygen concentration in the water is low, microorganisms cannot reproduce, which prevents the biological filtration from functioning properly, and thus deteriorates the water quality. Harmful substances and germs grow, causing the koi to become sick and die.


When it comes to the performance of a filter tank, a large filtration area is important, but its function is to determine whether or not oxygen can be supplied adequately. It is a filtration system that supplies sufficient oxygen so that microorganisms can continue to multiply, and therefore the water can be purified efficiently.Specifically, on the filter media that is easily clogged, pollutants such as koi feces adhere to the filter media in a short time, and then microorganisms multiply rapidly and eat the pollutants. However, as the microorganisms multiply, the amount of oxygen consumed increases, and if oxygen is not fed into the filter media, the microorganisms die suddenly from lack of oxygen. Oxygen is fed into the filter media in the sense that water flow is formed in the filter media. If the filter media is easily clogged, the flow of water is not sufficiently wide, so the microorganisms are deprived of oxygen, and the microorganisms cannot reproduce, and the filter tank is prone to odor (sludge odor).

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