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Practical experience in Koi keeping - "three highs and three lows"

文章出处:奥利仕(广州)康体设备有限公司   人气:(点击 4,359 次)    服务热线:(020)82686289

How should I care for my koi now that I've safely survived the winter and spring is in full swing?

Breeding begins with observation. Regularly check the koi pond in daily management: whether the pond filtration equipment and pump are running normally, whether the filter tank is clogged with dirt, whether the ultraviolet germicidal lamp is working effectively, whether there is any leakage in the pond, and whether there is any abnormality in physiological characteristics of koi.

In order to raise koi to understand, in addition to the above daily management, need to do "three high and three low".

1,three highs
        In terms of koi growth rate, koi themselves favor high water temperatures.

        In Guangzhou nowadays, the daytime temperature ranges from 25°C to 30°C, which is the optimal temperature for koi growth. In this optimal temperature range the fish have the most digestive enzymes in their body, the activity of digestive enzymes is strong, so the fish have the most vigorous intake, strong digestion, high digestibility, and their metabolism level is also high, so the fish have the most vigorous growth, which belongs to the so-called peak period.

       The second is high protein.

        Under the condition of outdoor ponds, with the use of high quality feed normal feeding and normal intake of fish, the digestibility of the feed is only about 80%, feeding feed only 25-30% of the protein for the growth of fish. Taking into account the effects of various factors, it is generally true that 20% of the major nutrients in the feed consumed by the fish are digested and excreted as part of the feces, 30% of the protein is used for growth, and 50% of the protein, essentially all the absorbed carbohydrates, and most or part of the fat is used for life support and activity.

        The relationship between the amount of food consumed by the fish and the weight gain of the fish is known to everyone, the fish will definitely grow slower if they eat less food, but how much slower the fish will grow if they eat less food is not something that every fisherman knows.
Fish eat feed and digest and absorb most of it, not all of this digested and absorbed nutrients are used for weight gain. Fish consume nutrients every minute of every day in order to maintain life and activity, and these consumptions include basal metabolic consumptions, which are the most basic metabolic consumptions for maintaining life.
       Activity metabolic consumption, i.e., the consumption of the fish's normal swimming, foraging, avoiding enemies, avoiding the escape of harm, etc.; body heat gain, the consumption of additional increase in metabolic processes required by the fish after ingestion; the consumption of resistance to pathogens attack, repair of damaged tissues in the case of injuries and illnesses; and resistance to the consumption of harsh environments. Most of these consumptions still have to occur even if the fish do not feed.
         If a fish's eating is reduced by half, is the fish's weight gain likewise reduced by half? No. Rather, it is basically just enough to sustain the consumption for life and activity, and no weight gain or only slight weight gain, or perhaps even weight loss, is possible. Therefore, it is also necessary to feed at a high frequency for the koi to grow fast.2,the three lows

We all know that koi don't have stomachs and eat a lot and poop a lot. This, coupled with their size and high frequency of feeding, means that they are super destructive to the water quality of the pond, which is a great test of the perfection and strength of the koi pond filtration system. Besides that, the feeding density of koi determines the oxygen consumption of the water body, which directly affects the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water and the normal physiological activities of koi. Therefore, it is important to keep them at low densities.

It is well known that the three main sources of energy for living things are proteins, fats and sugars.

For koi, it can easily absorb away proteins and fatty acids, but it is weak on carbohydrates. Therefore, too much starch in fish food is not good for koi. Choose a koi feed that is low in sugar and high in protein.
       Water quality and nutritional status are causes of koi stress.
The causes of water quality are subdivided into deterioration and changes in water quality. Deterioration of water quality includes an increase in the concentration of ammonia or nitrite and a decrease in the concentration of dissolved oxygen. There is a threat to the survival of fish. Changes in water quality refer to the situation of fish not adapting to environmental changes such as a sudden rise or fall in water temperature or pH value.

       Therefore, it is important to avoid drastic changes in water temperature and water pH, and low fluctuations to give koi a comfortable growing environment.

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