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What diseases are koi fish susceptible to in each season?

Article source: Ollies (Guangzhou) Recreation and Sports Equipment Co., Ltd Popularity: (Click 423 times) Service Hotline: (020)82686289


springtime(Western (Gregorian) calendar3-5moon)Temperatures are gradually rising,Generally in10-20Between degrees Celsius,The water temperature environment is more suitable for the growth and reproduction of various pathogens,notably4-5The month of January is the peak season for fish diseases. When fry hatch in early spring, eggs are susceptible to water mold; fry are mainly affected by fish diseases such as rotifers, small meloidids, fingerlings, diphyllobothrium, fish lice, etc.; in spring, adult fish are susceptible to microbial fish diseases such as viral hemorrhagic disease, enteritis, rotting gills, print disease, and chub iodine sporozoite.


Summer (solar calendar)6-8months) temperatures are generally in the26-28Between degrees Celsius, fish disease is slightly less than in the spring, when the fish species gradually grow up, disease resistance has increased. Therefore ciliate and flagellate fish diseases are gradually reduced. In addition, according to the survey summer also persists in the spring microbial fish disease, there are gill rot, hemorrhage, red skin, enteritis, print disease and so on. At this time, parasites have anchor lerneriosis more common. In high summer, high-yield ponds are often prone to flooding.


fall(Western (Gregorian) calendar9-10moon)Temperatures are dropping.,Temperatures are generally in the23-15Between degrees Celsius,The water temperature environment is basically similar to that of spring, especially8-9Months are the peak season for fish disease-"callous humor"The summer-flowering fish species are mainly affected by fish diseases such as rotifers, small meloidids, fingerlings, diphyllobothrium, fish lice, etc. In the fall, large-size fish are susceptible to microbial fish diseases such as viral hemorrhagic disease, enteritis, gill rot, and other diseases.



winters(Western (Gregorian) calendar12-2moon)cooler,Generally in3-6Fish disease is generally rare between degrees Celsius. Winter is the stocking period, often due to pulling nets or transport abrasions fish, can also occur water mold disease; when the water temperature is high, there may be oblique tube disease and small melon worm disease, etc.; overwintering fish in the water temperature is lower than the10Frostbite on the top of the head was caused when fish floated their heads due to lack of oxygen as a result of the large temperature difference between the temperature of the overwintering room and the temperature of the water at degrees Celsius.


Spring, summer, fall and winter with the change of temperature common fish diseases are now initially summarized as follows12species, of which the main parasitic diseases are7species: rotifers, meloidogyne, fingerlings, Lernaea, fish lice, silver carp iodine sporotrichosis, Lernaea chinensis; microbial diseases are mainly5Species: hemorrhagic disease (erythroderma), enteritis, gill rot, print disease, water mold. Proverbial:"Fish farming is not a plague, you're rich as hell.". In the process of fish farming, once a fish disease occurs, the light will affect the growth and development of fish, and the heavy will cause some of the fish to die, so it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention and treatment of fish disease, and actively implement the"prevention of illness and cure of disease at an early stage"The approach.

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